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Below is a sample workout linked to instructional videos!
1. Leg Press w/band 3X15 (4:0:1)
2. Leg Extensions 3X20 lighter weight (4:2:1)
3. lying hamstring curls 3X15 (4:1:1)
4. Step up with weights 3X10 per leg (4:0:1)
5. Princess lunges with bar on back 3X10 per leg
6. Barbell hip Thrusts w/band 4X10 (4:3:1)
7. abductor Machine 4X30 (10 reps sitting straight up, 10 reps leaning a little forward, 10 reps all the way forward with chest on knees and back arched.
8. Straight leg dead lifts with toes elevated 3X10 (4:0:1)
Understanding the numbers
Example: Leg Press- 3x10
1st number is the number of sets (3 sets)
2nd number is the reps (10 reps)
So in this example you would do 10 leg press reps, rest, do another 10 reps, rest, then you would do your final set of 10 reps
Tempo (4:0:1)
First number is eccentric (lowering) count
Second number is how long you hold the contraction (flexing)
Third number is concentric (raising or lifting)